Clarisse Bethel Bio
Major Accomplishments: Once in the United States, she changed careers and went back to school to become a Registered Nurse followed by obtaining her master’s degree in science in nursing with Option Education. During the last 18 years, she has had a career in nursing and begun to build a health care business. Clarisse Bethel launched a home care business in Maryland in 2009, and was a successful business that she runs for eight years. As an efficient nurse entrepreneur; she expands her home care business in northern Virginia, specifically in Loudoun County, as every business owner in this industry she was faced with the issue of nurse shortage in the county. That gave her the drive to open a nursing school. The school was officially open in March 2015 to help solve this major issue of nursing in the county. Clarisse Bethel is multi-lingual.

Career and activities As a Program Director, her principal function are:1. Developing, implementing, teaching, and evaluating the philosophy and objectives of the nursing education program.2. Designing, implementing, training, evaluating, and revising the curriculum.3. Developing and assessing student admission, progression, retention, and graduation within the framework of the controlling institution.

Interesting Facts: Her Nurse Aide Program is the first Private Nursing School in the County of Loudoun. The program is awarded the Best of 2019 Educational Institution. She is working on bringing more programs to the institution for the best care for our county senior and resident.
Nursing assistants, sometimes called nursing aides, help clients with self-care and activities of daily living. They provide skilled nursing care for patients in the Hospitals, Long-Term Care Facilities (Nursing Homes), Assisted Living, Group Homes and Health Agencies.

Short Term Training Course – 5 weeks
Must take and pass the NPAA examination through the Board of Nursing
Job Security: Job Outlook (2023 to 2033*) – 4%
Growth Financial Stability: Median Salary (2024) – $39,610 per year / $18 to $20 per hour

Duration: Five weeks

Time:  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Schedule:  class will be held in the Morning, Evening, and Weekend

Morning Class:   Start from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Evening Class:     Start from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Weekend Class: Start from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Fees:  $1,485 Down Payment $1,000. Before starting the class,

No Entrance test or high school  Require
Med Tech/RMA (Medication technician Register Medication Administration)

You can only take this course if you are a Nurse Aide
MED TECH 68 HOURS / Duration: Two weeks

CMT 32 HOURS / Duration: One weeks

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Schedule:  class will be held in the Morning, Evening, and Weekend   
Morning Class:   Start from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Evening Class:     Start from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Weekend Class:  Start from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Fees:  $1,000 Paid in full before starting the class,

Students must have CNA or Personal Care diploma
Personal care aides—also called caregivers —help clients with self-care and activities of daily living. Personal care aides perform tasks that are like those of home health aides. However, personal care aides cannot provide any skilled nursing services. They also provide holistic care and assistance that enable clients to regain minimum functioning in their home.

Short Term Training Course – 1 week
Work in Different Settings (ie: group homes, home care, senior centers)
Job Security: Job Outlook (2024-2025*) – 50% growth
Financial Stability: Median Salary (2025) – $30,965 per year / $18.00 per hour

 Duration:  Three days:  

Time:  Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Schedule:  class will be held in the Evening

Evening Class:     Start from 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Fees:  $450. Paid in full before starting the class,

No Entrance test or high school  Require
CPR / First Aid Training
This class provides quality training for CPR/First Aid to aim to increase awareness and confidence in performing emergency response on patients with cardiac arrest. We offer a range of safety courses, teach new skills, keep knowledge up to date, ready to respond in any emergency. Our classes are hands-on in a classroom setting

4 HOURS – First Time certification 3 HOURS – Renewal

Fees: $85

On demand Schedule